Thanks to all of you who are reading the blog! I hope you can possibly find one thing that inspires to take a step forward with one of your own projects or endeavors. There's nothing quite like the holiday season - bright lights in the city, fresh pine, pumpkin, spice, cranberry, the glorious aromas of the holiday season. While I am ready for the year to wind down, I still have quite a bit to accomplish this year. Knock out my final exams, launch the first phase of the Tina Brown Inc. website and attract at least 30 people to follow my blog (please tell a friend if you feel so inclined!).
My book unfortunately, has been put on hold for now as I am not able to focus and write. There's a lot of anxiety for me this time of year but the adrenaline is what pushes me to finish strong.
I hope you all enjoy this Thanksgiving holiday and if you have any spare time at all, take the next step forward for whatever God has given you to do. Ink the Dream. (trademark pending)